Maths Tutors
Experienced qualified maths tutors in Birmingham to help your child at primary, GCSE and A-level.
English Tutors
Experienced English tutors in Birmingham to help pupils at all levels including primary GCSE an A-level.
Science Tutors
Science tutors at GCSE and A-level including physics, chemistry and biology tutors in Birmingham.
When Do Families start with a Tutor for the 11+ in Birmingham?
We have found that most parents start to prepare their children for the 11+ exams at least a year in advance, and year 4/5 is typical, although some families do start earlier.
What’s Covered in the 11+ in Birmingham
The grammar schools in Birmingham follow the CEM format covering English, verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning. Our tutors have extensive experience and knowledge of the requirements of the 11+ entrance exams in Birmingham and are available for private one to one tuition.
Fees for Private Tutors in Birmingham
Our private online tutors will call you to discuss scheduling and then book the lessons on to our online system.
We aim to recruit only the best tutors in Birmingham and our tuition rates are extremely competitive. Fees also include written feedback as part of the service.
Please submit your tutor request using the form and we will start to identify a suitable online tutor for you right away. We may need to call you to firm up on some details, so please enter a contact number also.