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66 Parent Reviews

When it comes to learning Spanish, online tutoring stands out as a worthwhile investment. Whether you’re a student aiming to ace your exams, a professional looking to expand your career opportunities, or a keen traveller hoping to communicate more effectively as you venture somewhere new, online Spanish tutoring can provide the tailor support you need […]

In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive educational landscape, many parents in the UK are turning to private tutors to provide their children with an academic edge. Whether it’s to help with challenging subjects, prepare for exams, or boost confidence, finding the right tutor can make a significant difference in a child’s educational journey. However, with […]

There is a vast array of good reasons for parents and guardians to choose to hire a private science tutor. Science tutors can help fill in knowledge gaps for students who are good to go with some of the expected material but need further emphasis in other areas. They’re also great for students who need […]

Finishing your GCSEs is a huge achievement – especially for students who have been working hard with tutors to ensure they learn as much as possible and attain the very best marks they can. The end of GCSE courses is also a pivotal moment because it’s time to begin planning for A levels. There’s lots […]

If your child is struggling with their science schoolwork, you might consider helping them yourself before looking for professional science tutoring. But where do you start? Even if you’re a pro at science yourself, you might not be sure how to tutor someone in science – especially if your child is operating at quite a […]

There’s no denying that moving from primary school to high school is a big change! In fact, Years 7, 8 and 9 are just as important as later years of schooling, even if they draw less attention than preparation for GCSE and A level exams. That’s because they provide a foundation for later, more advanced […]

Whether a student is in Key Stage 3 or preparing for GCSEs and A-levels, science education can be challenging. There’s a host of new vocabulary words to remember, chemical formulas to understand, and even mathematical equations to use. That’s not to mention difficulties that can arise from life events like school moves or exams that […]

When it comes to preparing for science GCSEs and A-levels, seeking out tutoring is a smart decision for many reasons. It can decrease anxiety and exam nerves, increase confidence, and, of course, improve a student’s skills and knowledge. Whether a student is revising for combined science GCSE, separate sciences at GCSE, or biology, physics or […]

It’s amazing how rapidly technology can change our lives – and there’s no better example of this than AI. Just a few years ago, AI was something few of us had access to or thought about often. Now it’s everywhere. When we’re shopping online, we encounter it in customer service chatbots. In school, teachers check […]

Making the decision to start science tutoring is a great way to boost a child’s confidence and achievements at school. Whether a child is struggling with a few topics or just looking to fly even higher, one-on-one attention from a qualified tutor makes a difference in a way that full class teaching just can’t. But […]

Key Stage 2 is a pivotal time for young students, covering years 3 – 6. At the start of Key Stage 2, children are still not far from the beginning of their schooling journey. By the end of Key Stage 2, they face exams like the SATs and possibly the 11+ with high school on […]

There’s a good reason why English, science and maths are required at GCSE level. They’re subject areas that provide skills needed in many other areas of study and in all future avenues of life. In the case of English, its influence might be far broader than it first appears. Of course, it’s important to be […]

Taking A level English language is a great choice for students who love to really examine and analyse how language functions. Rather than focusing on fiction and story, the English language A level considers the components of the English language – like phonetics, grammar and vocabulary – and how they work together to shape communication. […]

When it comes to education and learning, the internet can be immensely helpful in so many ways. Online dictionaries put vocabulary words at students’ fingertips. Revision sites like Quizlet enable children to make virtual flash cards. And Google docs allow students to collaborate in ways that paper could never. But one site that isn’t the […]

It’s easy to think that a child’s academic performance in primary school English doesn’t really matter, as only their high school achievements will affect their career or higher education prospects. However, that’s only partly correct. True, marks on tests and assignments won’t follow a child in future life. But the English skills a child develops […]

Finding a one-on-one English tutor is a powerful move to help boost skills and confidence in English as a subject. No matter how great a student’s English teacher is, there is something different in the dynamic between a tutor and a student alone compared to that of a classroom setting. For one, in individual tutoring […]


We are so happy with our 11+ tutor, she is always very professional and approachable, and she is helping my son to gain in confidence for his grammar school entrance exams next term.


Very happy with the Tutor who is working with my daughter for the 11+. He always replies to emails promptly, engages my daughter during the online lesson, and she's enjoying the work. Thank you.


We were recommended a tutor for our needs very quickly and were able to start immediately. My daughter is getting tutoring for her 11+ exam and according to her, the tutor is amazing. There is a long way until the exam but she managed to bust my daughter's confidence in Maths. Thank you!


Thank you for recommending such an amazing physics tutor for my son. We are now confident he will achieve the graded he needs to get into the uni of his choice, which is all down to the support we received from Principal Tutors and our wonderful tutor.