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How Do I Know Online Maths Tutoring is Working?

30/07/2024 / Maths Tutoring

Mathematics can be a challenging subject for many students, but with the right support, it can become a lot more manageable.

Maths tutoring online is a popular choice for parents and students looking to improve their skills and confidence in the subject.

However, once you’ve invested in a tutor, how can you be sure that it’s actually working?

As online maths tuition experts here at Principal Tutors, we will explore the key indicators of understanding whether maths tutoring is working,  how to measure progress, and what steps you can take if you’re not seeing the desired results.

Let’s dive into the signs that your online maths tutoring sessions are on the right track, but first, let’s get a brief answer.

Improved grades and test scores, increased confidence and enthusiasm, better homework performance, positive feedback from teachers, enhanced problem-solving skills, a better attitude towards maths, improved study habits, and regular progress reports are all signs of effective maths tutoring.

How Do I Know Maths Tutoring is Working?

So for anyone wondering ‘How do I know if maths tuition is working?’ let’s begin our exploration.

Improved Grades and Test Scores

One of the most obvious indicators of effective maths tutoring that is working is an improvement in your child’s grades and test scores.

Regular assessments in school provide a clear measure of progress. If your child’s grades are steadily improving, then it could be a signal that the tutoring sessions are having a positive impact.

Look for a consistent upward trend rather than a one-off high score, as this suggests a deeper understanding of the material.

Increased Confidence and Enthusiasm

Confidence is a key factor in academic success. If your child is showing more enthusiasm for maths, this is a strong indicator that tutoring is working.

This newfound confidence often translates into a greater willingness to participate in class, attempt more challenging problems, and a generally more positive attitude towards the subject.

One of the benefits of one-to-one maths tutoring is that it allows for a tailored approach, which can help address specific areas of difficulty and build confidence.

So it’s no surprise to discover that according to recent research, students who receive individualised tutoring often show significant improvements in their confidence levels.

Improved Homework Performance

Homework is another area where progress can be measured. If your child is completing their homework more accurately and independently, it’s a sign that they are understanding the material better.

Additionally, if they’re spending less time on homework and finding it less frustrating, this is another positive indicator. Improved homework performance often goes hand-in-hand with a better grasp of the subject matter.

Positive Feedback from Teachers

Teachers are in a unique position to observe your child’s progress on a day-to-day basis.

Positive feedback from teachers regarding your child’s performance and participation in maths class can be a valuable indicator that maths tutoring is working.

Teachers may notice improvements in your child’s problem-solving skills, participation, and overall engagement with the subject.

It’s a good idea to keep talking with your child’s teacher regularly to get their views on your child’s progress.

Better Problem-Solving Skills

Maths is not just about memorising formulas and procedures; it’s also about developing strong problem-solving skills.

Effective maths tutoring should help your child develop these skills by teaching them how to approach and solve different types of problems.

If you notice that your child is becoming better at tackling complex problems and applying logical reasoning, it’s an encouraging sign that their maths tutoring sessions are paying off.

Improved Attitude Towards Maths

A change in attitude towards maths can be a significant indicator of effective maths tutoring.

Many students who struggle with maths develop a negative attitude towards the subject. However, as they begin to understand the material better and experience success, their attitude often shifts.

If your child starts to express a more positive outlook on maths and shows a greater interest in learning, it’s a strong sign that the tutoring is making a difference.

8. Improved Study Habits

Maths tutoring that is working should also help your child develop better study habits. This includes learning how to organise their work, manage their time effectively, and develop strategies for studying and revising.

Improved study habits can lead to better performance not just in maths, but across all subjects.  So if you notice that your child is becoming more disciplined and with more structure in their approach to studying, it’s a good sign that the tutoring is having a positive impact.

Regular Progress Reports

Many of the best online tutoring services in the UK and beyond, provide regular progress reports that outline the student’s achievements and areas for improvement.

These reports can be a valuable tool for assessing the effectiveness of the tutoring sessions. Look for detailed feedback that highlights specific areas of progress and provides actionable recommendations for further improvement.

Parental Involvement and Feedback

As a parent, your observations and feedback are also important. You may notice changes in your child’s attitude, confidence, and performance that aren’t immediately apparent in their grades.

Regularly discussing your child’s progress with the tutor can provide extra guidance and help ensure that the tutoring is tailored to your child’s unique needs.

Adjusting the Tutoring Approach

If you do not see the desired results, this could involve changing the frequency or duration of sessions, trying different teaching methods, or addressing specific areas of difficulty in more depth.

It could also be that the tutor may not be the best match for your child. So it’s important to work closely with the tutor to identify any potential issues and make necessary adjustments.

Setting Realistic Goals

Setting realistic and achievable goals is crucial for measuring the effectiveness of tutoring.

These goals should be specific, measurable, and time-bound. For example, rather than setting a vague goal like “improve in maths,” a more specific goal would be “improve by one grade level in the next term.”

Regularly reviewing these goals and tracking progress towards them can help ensure that the maths tutoring is effective and on track.

Building a Strong Tutor-Student Relationship

The relationship between the tutor and student plays a significant role in the success of the tutoring sessions.

A positive and supportive relationship can enhance the learning experience and make students more receptive to instruction.

If your child feels comfortable with their tutor and enjoys the sessions, they’re more likely to engage and benefit from the tutoring.

How Do I Know Maths Tutoring is Working? – To Finish With…

So as we’ve discovered in our latest blog, several key insights can help you determine if maths tutoring is working for your child.  As a parent, your observations and feedback are also crucial in assessing progress.

Remember that effective tutoring is a collaborative effort between the tutor, student, and parent. By working together and maintaining open communication, you can help ensure that your child receives the support they need to succeed in maths. Ultimately, the goal is to help your child develop the skills and confidence they need to excel in their maths studies and beyond.

Here at Principal Tutors our innovative tutor-pupil matching service connects you with the perfect maths tutor for your child. Let us know what you need and we’ll find the ideal match. If you’re not completely satisfied, we can assign your child a different tutor at any time. Request a tutorto discover how we can provide customised attention and expertise for your child’s academic success.


We are so happy with our 11+ tutor, she is always very professional and approachable, and she is helping my son to gain in confidence for his grammar school entrance exams next term.


Very happy with the Tutor who is working with my daughter for the 11+. He always replies to emails promptly, engages my daughter during the online lesson, and she's enjoying the work. Thank you.


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