What are the benefits of a maths tutor?
16/09/2022 / Maths TutoringWe are often asked the question ‘What are the benefits of a maths tutor?’, so we thought it would be beneficial to address this important question. The objective of this article is to provide you, the parent or guardian or a school-aged child or teenager with the additional insight to allow you to decide if engaging with a maths tutor is beneficial to your child.
This article provides you with the following information:
- Where Can I Get Help for Maths?
- Are Maths Tutors Worth It?
- How Will an Online Maths Tutor Help a Child’s Development?
- How do I Find a Good Maths Tutor?
Where can I get help for maths?
For many, mathematics is a love/hate subject. It is renowned for being one of the most challenging subjects, presenting students with an array of skills and concepts that need to be understood in order to correctly solve complex problems. As such, ensuring that students receive the right levels of support to excel within this valuable subject area is key. Since maths is both a core school subject and a valuable life skill, there are numerous benefits to hiring a maths tutor to help enhance your child’s understanding of key concepts and theorems.
Some of these benefits include:
- Maths tutors can provide a much-needed confidence boost: One of the main advantages of one-to-one maths tutoring sessions is the confidence boost your child will receive from their very first session. This is something that every student deserves to experience because it will be a trait that will see them move forward in life in an easier, more self-assured manner. Confident students are empowered students, which means they feel encouraged to speak up in class, ask questions that will further enhance their learning, and perhaps most importantly, ask for help when they need it.
- Maths tutors can deliver directed learning: While teachers in the classroom never intend to overlook any of their students, with so many demands on their time and attention, it isn’t always possible for them to fully meet the needs of every student. As private tutoring is conducted on a one-to-one basis, your child’s tutor will quickly be able to identify the areas of the subject that are currently posing the greatest challenges and ensure that their guidance is being directed accordingly.
- Maths tutors can help students improve their grades: With the right support and guidance, the increased confidence and deeper understanding of the elements of the curriculum that are most challenging, and which are addressed by your child’s maths tutor will soon be reflected in the grades they are achieving in homework, coursework, and tests.
- Maths tutors can instil key learning skills: Every child learns differently, and a private tutor will recognise the learning tools and strategies that will enhance their specific study process. As a result, your child will better understand their own needs and identify ways to improve their own self-directed learning during study periods and school holidays.
Are Maths Tutors Worth It?
Although maths can be a challenging subject, the study of the subject remains compulsory up to GCSE level. With this in mind, maths tutors can offer important supplementary study outside of school hours that will improve your child’s confidence in the subject and provide the important foundations of knowledge that can be drawn upon, both in education and in the workplace in later life. After all, from filing tax returns to budgeting for holidays, planning journey times and keeping weekly food shops within budget, we all use key maths skills on a daily basis. Even as technology becomes more advanced, maths will remain an integral part of everyday life which means that establishing these key skills early is essential.
As a busy parent or guardian, you may not have the time to sit down with your child every day to support them personally in all aspects of their education. You can enhance your child’s learning by seeking out a professional and experienced maths tutor. Passionate maths tutors can completely transform the way your child views maths and instil an eagerness to learn new concepts and a recognition of the ways in which core maths skills can be applied to so many aspects of life. Sometimes all it takes is someone to provide a much-needed confidence boost to unlock a student’s full potential.
Did you know that the full impact of a passionate maths tutor is often felt far beyond the maths classroom? In fact, many students who receive one-to-one tuition in a particular subject will also become more engaged with other classes, as they feel empowered to participate more in class and are not afraid to ask questions that will further enhance their knowledge.
As maths is a challenging subject, it is highly respected amongst both higher educational establishments and employers. Students who achieve a maths qualification with an excellent grade will therefore find that there are numerous opportunities out there for the taking within a wide variety of sectors, including finance, engineering, economics, computing and medicine. Whether your child has dreams of attending an elite university or you simply want to ensure that they have a range of opportunities available to them after their GCSE education, a maths tutor can help. The focus may range from identifying gaps in their knowledge all the way up to providing additional, even more challenging material and advanced study techniques that will prepare them for further education or workplace environments.
How Will an Online Maths Tutor Help a Child’s Development?
Although they are an essential component of learning, classroom environments cannot provide every student with the level of truly personalised learning guidance that will ultimately allow them to reach their full potential. However, students shouldn’t be forced to struggle with difficult material alone. A one-to-one online maths tutor can help a child’s development in a variety of different, very important ways that, in many cases, will benefit them for the rest of their lives.
The one-to-one approach ensures that students have the opportunity to work through the maths curriculum in ways that enhance their learning. So, while one student may learn best by watching someone talk through a problem or theory, another student may absorb information more efficiently by tackling the problem or theory head-on. Maths tutors are well-versed in the range of different learning styles that children can present, which means they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to present the material in ways that will encourage maximum engagement and progress.
Tailoring learning to each student not only enhances their ability to retain and understand information but will also provide them with the self-confidence required to take their learning to the next level. When students feel empowered, they are far more likely to engage in classroom discussions, ask questions freely, and seek out additional material that will expand their knowledge. No student should ever feel embarrassed or worried that they seem to be being left behind by their peers, and maths tutoring can banish these feelings altogether.
These core foundations are something that will remain with students throughout their educational careers, which can have numerous benefits on their learning in every subject. When a student finds themselves struggling with the material, it can have a detrimental impact that stretches far beyond the four walls of a single classroom. By addressing this as soon as possible and ensuring that negative feelings don’t emerge, personal tutors can ensure that their students have access to a host of opportunities that could shape the rest of their lives for the better.
How do I Find a Good Maths Tutor?
If your child will benefit from a private maths tutor, it is important to spend the time finding the right fit, and there are a few key things to keep in mind. Firstly, not all maths tutors are equal, which means that seeking out highly qualified and experienced tutors will ensure that your child’s full potential is unlocked during the course of their private tuition sessions.
Your child will experience the best outcomes from engaging with a tutor with prior classroom teaching experience, as they will be most familiar with a range of different learning styles, strategies and techniques. It is also important that your chosen maths tutor has obtained excellent grades throughout their own personal educational journey, which will illustrate that they are well placed to provide effective guidance for general learning, homework, coursework, and examination settings.
Principal Tutors only engage with maths tutors and teachers with recognised UK teaching qualifications and significant classroom experience. It is hugely important to us that our tutors understand the parameters of the current maths curriculum and are also aware of the things that examination boards, further education institutions and workplaces look for. In addition to an understanding of primary, GCSE and A-level education, our tutors have experience with the International Baccalaureate (IB) as well as the 7+, 11+ and 13+ entrance examinations that are used to determine entry into independent and grammar schools across the UK.
We believe that online personal maths tutoring is one of the most effective ways to enhance learning because sessions can be arranged around even the busiest of schedules anywhere where a quiet environment can be created. Our service includes personalised tutor matching, which involves identifying the most suitable tutor to meet the needs of each individual student. Following this match, the chosen tutor will conduct an informal assessment with their new student to identify their learning style and requirements. Additionally, our tuition sessions can be recorded and sent to the student and/or parent on request, which can provide valuable opportunities to run through the material covered as part of a comprehensive, self-directed learning process.
We are so happy with our 11+ tutor, she is always very professional and approachable, and she is helping my son to gain in confidence for his grammar school entrance exams next term.
Very happy with the Tutor who is working with my daughter for the 11+. He always replies to emails promptly, engages my daughter during the online lesson, and she's enjoying the work. Thank you.
We were recommended a tutor for our needs very quickly and were able to start immediately. My daughter is getting tutoring for her 11+ exam and according to her, the tutor is amazing. There is a long way until the exam but she managed to bust my daughter's confidence in Maths. Thank you!
Thank you for recommending such an amazing physics tutor for my son. We are now confident he will achieve the graded he needs to get into the uni of his choice, which is all down to the support we received from Principal Tutors and our wonderful tutor.