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How Do I Know If My Child Needs A Maths Tutor?

30/07/2024 / Maths Tutoring

As parents, we want the best for our children, especially when it comes to their education.

Maths can be a particularly tricky subject for many kids, and it’s not always easy to determine when they might need extra help.

Understanding the signs that indicate your child could benefit from a maths tutor can make all the difference in their academic journey.

As Tuition Provider of The Year 2023/24, Principal Tutors has helped countless children navigate their mathematical challenges and achieve success.

In our latest blog, we’ll delve into how to identify if your child needs a maths tutor and what steps you can take to support them.

First, let’s get the short answer before we explore it in more detail.

Your child may need a maths tutor if they struggle with homework, receive low grades, lack confidence in maths, show frustration, avoid maths tasks, fail to grasp concepts, fall behind classmates, or express anxiety before tests.

For anyone wondering ‘How do I know if my child needs a maths tutor?’  let’s delve deeper and find out some of the best ways of finding out.

Recognising the Need for a Maths Tutor

Maths is essential for many higher education qualifications and career paths, and it’s a part of our daily lives regardless of our goals at work or school.

So working out when your child might need a maths tutor is going to give your child a head start and help to build confidence. However, this can be a subtle process and often requires keen observation.

Here are some common signs that suggest your child could benefit from additional support in their Primary, GCSE or A Level Maths 

Persistent Homework Struggles

One of the most telling signs that your child may need a maths tutor is if they consistently struggle with their homework.

It’s normal for kids to occasionally find their assignments challenging, but if this is a regular occurrence, it might indicate a deeper issue.

Pay attention to how they approach their homework: Are they frequently frustrated? Do they spend an excessive amount of time on maths compared to other subjects?

According to the National Association of School Psychologists, ongoing difficulties with homework are a clear indicator that a child might need extra help.

2. Low Test Scores

Test performance is another crucial indicator. If your child consistently scores poorly on maths tests and quizzes, this is a strong signal that they may not fully understand the material.

Sometimes, children can manage to complete homework with the help of parents or classmates, but tests are a more accurate measure of their independent understanding.

Research published by the British Educational Research Journal explains  that consistently low test scores warrant intervention to prevent falling further behind.

Maths Anxiety and Lack of Confidence

Maths anxiety is real and can significantly impact a child’s performance and attitude towards the subject.

If your child expresses fear or anxiety about maths, it’s important to take this seriously. They might avoid maths altogether, make excuses to skip classes, or even exhibit physical symptoms of stress, such as headaches or stomach aches.

So it’s not surprising to uncover that in a recent study at the University of Oxford, they found that building confidence in maths is essential for overcoming anxiety and improving performance. A tutor can provide the personalised attention needed to address these issues and build self-esteem.

Avoidance of Maths-Related Activities

Children who struggle with maths often avoid activities that involve the subject. This avoidance can extend beyond schoolwork to everyday situations where maths might come up, like playing certain games or participating in family activities that require basic calculations.

If your child shies away from anything maths-related, this could be a red flag that they need additional support to build their skills and confidence.

Teacher’s Feedback

Sometimes, the best insights come from your child’s teacher. Teachers can offer valuable perspectives on your child’s performance and behaviour in class.

So it’s no surprise to discover that The Department for Education states that teacher recommendations should be taken seriously when it comes to seeking additional academic support.

If a teacher suggests that your child might benefit from extra help in maths, it’s worth considering their recommendation.

Teachers have a wealth of experience and can often spot issues that might not be immediately apparent at home.

Frustration and Behavioural Changes

Children who find maths challenging may exhibit frustration and changes in behaviour.

They might become irritable, avoidant, or even act out in response to their struggles. These behavioural changes can be a coping mechanism for dealing with the stress of not understanding the material.

It’s important to address these issues early, as prolonged frustration can lead to a negative attitude towards school in general.

Observing these signs at home can be a crucial step in recognising the need for a tutor.

Taking Action: Steps to Support Your Child

Once you’ve identified that your child might need a maths tutor, the next step is to take action.

Here are some practical steps you can take to support your child:

Open Communication

Start by having an open and honest conversation with your child about their struggles with maths.

Approach the topic with empathy and understanding, and let them know that it’s okay to find some subjects difficult.

Discuss their feelings towards maths and any specific areas they find challenging. This dialogue can help you better understand their needs and how to address them.

Assess Their Needs

Determine the specific areas where your child needs help. Is it  in basic arithmetic such as at the Primary level, or maybe  algebra, geometry, or another area of GCSE or A-level

Understanding the precise difficulties will help you find a tutor who specialises in those areas.

You might also consider having your child take an assessment test to pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses.

Research Tutoring Options

Look for reputable tutoring services that match your child’s needs.

Here at Principal Tutors, we offer highly qualified maths tutorswho can provide personalised support.

Make sure the tutor has the appropriate qualifications and experience, and consider arranging a trial session to see if they’re a good fit for your child.

Read more in our other helpful guide, How To Assess A Tutor For Your Child 

Create a Supportive Environment

Establish a relaxed learning environment at home. Set aside a quiet, comfortable space for your child to work with their tutor and complete their homework.

Ensure they have all the necessary materials and resources, and minimise distractions during study time.

Monitor Progress

Stay involved in your child’s learning journey by regularly checking in on their progress.

Communicate with the tutor to understand how your child is improving and if any adjustments are needed.

Celebrate their successes, no matter how small, to keep them motivated and build their confidence.

Encourage a Growth Mindset

Help your child develop a growth mindset by teaching them to see challenges as chances to learn and improve.

Let them know that mistakes are normal and part of learning. Encourage them to keep going, and they’ll get better over time.

This positive attitude can help them overcome their fear of maths and develop a more resilient approach to their studies.

How Do I Know If My Child Needs A Maths Tutor?- To End on…

Recognising the signs that your child might need a maths tutor is crucial for their academic development and overall well-being.

Persistent struggles with homework, low test scores, maths anxiety, avoidance of maths-related activities, teacher feedback, and behavioural changes are all indicators that it might be time to seek extra help.

Taking proactive steps to support your child can make a significant difference in their educational journey.

Investing in the best maths tutors in the UK and beyond can provide your child with the tools and confidence they need to succeed, setting them on a path towards academic success and helping to create a positive attitude towards learning.


We are so happy with our 11+ tutor, she is always very professional and approachable, and she is helping my son to gain in confidence for his grammar school entrance exams next term.


Very happy with the Tutor who is working with my daughter for the 11+. He always replies to emails promptly, engages my daughter during the online lesson, and she's enjoying the work. Thank you.


We were recommended a tutor for our needs very quickly and were able to start immediately. My daughter is getting tutoring for her 11+ exam and according to her, the tutor is amazing. There is a long way until the exam but she managed to bust my daughter's confidence in Maths. Thank you!


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